This is not a "niche" blog. This is everything that makes me, me - or at least the bits I write down. There's no such thing as a "niche" person.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

On top of the tower, Alcaudete castle

We went to the castle today for the guided tour. Which was in Spanish. Despite lots of people, guide books and websites saying that everyone in Andalucia speaks English, in fact practically nobody here does. This is probably because this really isn't a tourist destination - which is great. I managed to gather from the woman from the tourist office who showed us round the castle that they simply don't get English visitors. Anyway, we are managing just fine, and causing much amusement in shops with our pointing and mangled phrasebook vocabulary.

Posted by ShoZu

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Alcaudete people are great.
They are Spanish, speak Spanish and get fed-up with Britts exspecting them to speak English. However if you try to speak Spanish, even with a few words of basic Spanish they will make an effort and warm to you. Seems fair enough to me.
P.S Alcaudete should be a part of 'hidden Spain' few tourist have found it.