This is not a "niche" blog. This is everything that makes me, me - or at least the bits I write down. There's no such thing as a "niche" person.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Hmmm (knee)

I've just come back from the doctor who has signed me off work because my knee is still not better. I'm really aware that I've not written anything much on here even though I've had time, hence the "hmmm" in the title: I'm not sure what my reluctance to blog is about. Maybe I just haven't got anything to say, although that's never previously stopped me from (a) blogging or (b) talking. Oh well. Andiamo in Italia fra dieci giorni; parlo un po d'italiano ma non conosco bene. E ho troppo di fare.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The Weather Man

Sat up last night because I was determined to eat bread and cheese and watch a movie and ended up watching The Weather Man, which was a miserable and disappointing experience. The central premise, that Nicholas Cage's character is searching for authenticity among the many pretences and false selves he creates, as symbolised by the weather man's blue screen, is lost in the movie's self-pitying whiny narcissism. The idea that we are an envious and violent society (people keep throwing things at Cage) which reinforces its own envy by creating media personalities fails to be explored satisfactorily - Cage sublimates his anger into archery, expresses it appropriately to the man who tried to abuse his teenage son, ends up "accepting himself for who he is" - while the subplot of the father's terminal illness and death which removes pressure for Cage to live up to his projected expectations of himself is poorly interwoven with the other strands of the story, jarring particularly because of Michael Caine's astonishingly bizarre accent. The whole experience felt akin to watching Gore Verbinski masturbate - potentially enjoyable if that's the kind of thing you like to watch, but you can't help feeling that he's having a whole lot more fun than you are.

Monday, July 09, 2007


We took Rachel to Gosport Ice Rink for her birthday party yesterday and I fell over and injured my knee. After a long wait in A&E to be seen by a doctor who didn't even examine me I was sent home with instructions about painkillers and rest. I was going to go to work this morning but a combination of diarrhoea and not being able to move fast forced me to re-evaluate that plan. So I've had a couple more hours sleep, but I'm still feeling generally sore and grumpy.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Sandwiches saltier than crisps

I learned several things from reading this article. One is that sandwiches may contain high levels of salt. Another entirely more surprising fact is that there is such a body as The British Sandwich Association. They have a website at which also contains the definition of a sandwich and a chance to subscribe to International Sandwich and Snack News. I was, however, slightly perplexed that 'The British Sandwich Association also stressed that it was "it is not the sandwich industry's job to dictate to consumers what they choose to eat".' Quite apart from the BBC's mangled grammar, if the British Sandwich Association represent British sandwich makers, then what they choose to put in or leave out of sandwiches has a pretty profound effect on what people choose to eat. Of course, people want to buy unhealthy sandwiches (all day breakfast is tasty) and these will therefore make money for members of the BSA. Conveniently, this fits nicely with the myth that all people should have choice about all things all the time, so that the willingness to take people's money while raising their risk of a heart attack is made to sound as though your friendly neighbourhood sandwich maker is your last bastion against the Nanny State.


I've got so much to do, and so little time. I just feel utterly overwhelmed at the thought of all the stuff I've got to get done before we go on holiday in three weeks time; work stuff (really urgent or else I'm going to be in BIG trouble), home stuff (kind of essential or else we won't be able to go on holiday/won't have any clothes to go in/won't have anyone to look after pets/etc/etc), Open University stuff (will fail the course unless I catch up with the three units I'm behind and get my TMA done before we leave).

OK. Deep breath. Less timewasting, more organisation, less blogging and general online stuff, more work.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

I really must get a mudguard fitted on my bike

because cycling to work through the current monsoon conditions means that although I have work clothes to change into, because I don't keep a change of underwear at work I spend the first couple of hours sitting in my own personal damp patch.

Hospital found! Balloon visited!

I couldn't resist posting this: two ambiguities in one headline.


Ms Minogue is going to be in the Doctor Who Christmas special.