Came into the office this morning. Thought vaguely about saying a general “Good morning” to the other people who were already there, but was too discouraged by the fact that nobody even looked up when I walked in. Sat and waited while my laptop took forever to boot, listening to other people being greeted when they came in and laughing and swapping stories about their weekends and a party that they’d all been to. Checked my emails, to find a circular for everyone saying that the leaving party for a guy I worked with for several years has been postponed. Since I hadn’t known about the party, checked the original list of recipients further down the email to confirm that my name hadn’t, in fact, been on the (rather long) list. Thought about phoning people who have more important things to do than talk to me to find out what they are doing about childhood obesity, but put it off. Which was easy, as I couldn’t give a damn what they’re doing. Read through a draft of a document which is being circulated for comments, but was so bored by the same old facile platitudes and aspirational targets that I couldn’t bear to read more than a couple of pages. My boss asked if I was busy, so I said I could manage to fit something in if it was urgent, and she explained that there are some projects that need to be put into a standard reporting framework, and since I’m apparently freakishly talented for being able to understand the reporting framework in the first place, could I put someone else’s information into boxes so that people who think it’s important will be able to see at a glance what’s happening.
Will have to get on with the stupid obesity stuff soon, as have been putting it off for ages, and apart from putting information in forms, need to have some way of filling up the rest of today and tomorrow. And then Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday next week. And then there’s going to be a whole new year of roughly similar nonsense. Hooray.
1 comment:
If it helps, I think you're an amazing person
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