It seems appropriate that this is my 200th blog post and I'm recording having achieved something. I finally managed to cycle to work this morning, after weeks and weeks of not getting around to buying a new rear wheel and then several days of not fitting the inner tube and finally having to buy a new pump, followed by another inner tube when my brand new one blew a hole. I think it was sometime last year that I last cycled to work, though the memory is old enough to have faded quite a bit now. I can't even be sure whether it's more than a year since I've been on my bike. It's certainly a lot longer than that since I cycled any further than the 4.5 miles into the middle of Southampton - I can't remember doing any significant journeys since we moved down here 10 years ago. So I'm quite pleased that I managed to go 12.45km (7.74 miles) without serious injury - by which I mean that the pain in my legs isn't bad enough to stop me from cycling home again.
Cycling will not only help save money spent on bus fare, it will also help towards the other area where I'm achieving a little: losing weight. It's still too early to start saying "I've lost x amount since Christmas" but I've now lost enough that it's obviously the result of doing exercise and eating sensibly rather than just natural fluctuations in my weight. Getting the Wii Fit for Christmas has actually been a big boost - apart from the fact that it's a fun way of being a bit more active, it's a significant motivation to see a graph of my BMI and weight going up or (hopefully) down.
There are still lots of things I need to do, or to do better, but I'm confidently looking forward to more cycling, more weight loss - and another couple of hundred blog posts.
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