This is not a "niche" blog. This is everything that makes me, me - or at least the bits I write down. There's no such thing as a "niche" person.

Monday, November 13, 2006

The enemies of blogging

The enemies of blogging are busyness, tiredness and depression. Busyness, by itself, is not necessarily an obstacle to blogging. After all, a short post only takes a few minutes, and being busy means that there's plenty to blog about. Tiredness, equally, will not in itself stop any blog owner from writing that he is tired, or that she has done many things, and now she is worn out. If I still eat and drink and walk around the house when tired, then surely I can manage a little light keyboard tapping. Tiredness and busyness, alas, come together; not an insurmountable obstacle, but when blogging is last on a very long list of things to do, chances are it may fall off the list altogether. All it takes is to add the last ingredient to this poisonous cocktail, and the blog takes to bed, surrounded by grieving relatives. The most insidious aspect, I know from experience, of being mildly but chronically depressed, is the feeling that manifests itself in the phrase "I just can't be bothered". It's late, I'm tired, I still have things to do, and I'd really like to blog. I enjoy blogging. Blogging makes me feel good, gives me a sense of achievement and a connection to the outside world. But I look at the time, I look at the stack of ironing, and I look at the computer and I think "I just can't be bothered".

P.S. Sorry about the prose style of this post; I've been looking at Norman Rockwell pictures.

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