This is not a "niche" blog. This is everything that makes me, me - or at least the bits I write down. There's no such thing as a "niche" person.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Friday tired

4.30 on Friday - time to go home, put feet up and relax for the weekend. Or not, as the case may be. Bursledon Players have their next production coming up (directed yet again by me) - tickets available here - so tomorrow is set building all day, then technical rehearsal all Sunday afternoon. Yet again I've had to ask the ever-helpful Mike Andrews at Lite Relief if we can have lights etc at short notice - to his credit, when I asked him on a Friday evening as he was driving back from a job in Oxford, he promised to see me at the warehouse at 9.30 on Saturday morning. I'm out praying with John tonight, it's Cathy's birthday party tomorrow evening (a masked ball for which I don't yet have a mask), and what with church Sunday morning (plus Celebration in the evening) and going to the Fox and Hounds quiz, I'm wondering when on earth I'm going to get the usual 5+ loads of washing done so that children have clean school uniforms etc. I'll be shattered by Monday.

Now I know that this is all voluntary and mostly pleasurable, and that there are a lot of people who don't have leisure time to anywhere near the extent that I do, but nonetheless it's not a great feeling to be finishing work for the week, feeling tired, and knowing that it's going to be non-stop until Monday when I'm back at work again (and giving a presentation on the Local Government White Paper that I haven't even thought about yet).

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