This is not a "niche" blog. This is everything that makes me, me - or at least the bits I write down. There's no such thing as a "niche" person.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Being ill does not guarantee more time

Having spent the last couple of days with stomach cramps (still in evidence) and vomiting (hopefully resolved), I've noticed how often I tend to think that because I'm ill I could get more things done. There's a train of thought that goes "I am ill, therefore I will get fewer things done. I am doing fewer things, therefore I will have more time. I will have more time, therefore I will be able to get more things done."

Now you know this is mad, and I know this is mad, but it doesn't stop it from rattling round on a loop in my head; I decide that since I'm not at work I'll use the time at home to catch up on work; I'll get all the jobs done around the house that I've not managed to do when I'm healthy; I'll write more and blog more and be artistic and creative and...

Of course what happens is that I look at all the things I want to do, and think to myself, "Actually, I don't feel very well."

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