This is not a "niche" blog. This is everything that makes me, me - or at least the bits I write down. There's no such thing as a "niche" person.

Monday, January 29, 2007

An apology

For anybody who reads this blog on a regular or even occasional basis: sorry! I've not posted much because I've been ill and busy, and though I'm starting to feel a little better, I'm going to get to be even more busy over the next few weeks. I will post when I can - I really want to keep this going, as much for a reflective tool as anything else - but there's other stuff that takes priority, and I'm going to have to be pretty ruthless in allocating time and making myself get stuff done. So if the quantity/quality of posts on here declines, I promise that things will get better again; it might just take a while.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No need to apologise, of course other things will sometimes be more important, and maybe that will be the case for a while. Occasional posts is still good