Thursday, October 21, 2010
Consumerist Christmas
I know that retailers make a lot of money from Christmas (though I have my own opinions about that) and I understand that they want to start selling Christmas-themed goods as early as possible to maximise profits, but it just seems bizarre to sell things in Christmas packaging that won't even make it into November.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
When the Internet is great (and when it isn't)
So off I went. I'd remembered the location from the website, and it was a straightforward walk - until I got to where I thought the CAB should be, and discovered it wasn't there. No worries. Thanks to the wonders of GPS, Google Maps on my phone showed me where I was - which turned out to be exactly where Google said the CAB should be. I wandered up and down a couple of side streets and eventually asked a couple who were getting into their car. They told me I needed to walk another 100 metres down the road - and when I did, going way past where Google said I should go, there was the CAB.
After a wait, I was seen by a pleasant and enthusiastic member of their team, who listened to me, and then gave me a few leaflets but told me that my main source of information would be their online advice guide. He couldn't really give me advice, he explained, because there were too many variables. What I really needed to do was get information online, so that I could make up my own mind, and then go back to talk to them again if I needed further help.
So there you are. The advice bureau advised that I should go to the internet for information. The internet is great for telling me that there's a CAB within walking distance, but not so good for finding it exactly. I suspect that the Advice Guide will give me a similar level of macro information, but I'll still need individual guidance on how to apply it to me.
There's a point at which information available to everyone becomes information that is of decreasing use to any one individual. Current iterations of the internet are moving towards personally useful information for everyone, pushing ever further away the point at which "widely available" becomes "personally inapplicable", but my feeling is that there's still some distance to go.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Thingy Whatsit and the Doodahs
I suspect I've had about as much mileage as I can from this. We need more bands with names in this format - except that unless you're starting a kitsch tribute band, having a name like that is going to make you sound as dated as Brian Poole and The Tremeloes.
Online/offline balance
Friday, October 15, 2010
Congratulations Western Michigan University
For anyone who hasn't found this site (I got there via Reddit); go to the home page and then press z+v on your keyboard.
Edit 17th Oct: Western Michigan clearly got wise to the number of people accessing their site and removed what I assume was a student joke. If you missed it, pressing z+v changed the central panel to say "Zombies. Classes cancelled. If infected stay home."
Good while it lasted.
Being ill does not guarantee more time
Having spent the last couple of days with stomach cramps (still in evidence) and vomiting (hopefully resolved), I've noticed how often I tend to think that because I'm ill I could get more things done. There's a train of thought that goes "I am ill, therefore I will get fewer things done. I am doing fewer things, therefore I will have more time. I will have more time, therefore I will be able to get more things done."
Now you know this is mad, and I know this is mad, but it doesn't stop it from rattling round on a loop in my head; I decide that since I'm not at work I'll use the time at home to catch up on work; I'll get all the jobs done around the house that I've not managed to do when I'm healthy; I'll write more and blog more and be artistic and creative and...
Of course what happens is that I look at all the things I want to do, and think to myself, "Actually, I don't feel very well."
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Monday, October 11, 2010
Genuinely, this is what I can see right now
Honestly, this is how I live.
Click below to see the pic.
Saturday, October 09, 2010
On being adored
There's a lot to be said for being adored. In Moulin Rouge Ewan McGregor sings, "The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return", but there's a very special feeling that comes from knowing that someone, somewhere, thinks the world of you. Someone has a photo of you placed so that you are always in the corner of their eye. Someone checks your Facebook page several times a day, and when there's nothing new to see, looks through all the pictures that they've already seen a thousand times. Someone wonders what you think, imagines what you might say, constructs variations on variations on an imaginary conversation with you about the nothing-very-much most important things in the world.
Of course it won't last. It's not love. But it is, right now, just wonderful.
Friday, October 08, 2010
I have been robbed
Rather annoyingly, I had several emails today from PayPal, the last one of which said they they had limited access to my account while they made further checks. It turns out that someone calling themselves Arthur Waller has somehow taken two payments out of my current account via PayPal, the first for $163 and the second for £178. It's not fun being stolen from - oddly enough, being a Christian, it's not hard to forgive "Arthur Waller", but it's difficult to see how we'll make it through to the end of the month if we don't get our money back pretty promptly. Do I believe that living as a Christian means forgiving people? Yes, certainly. Do I genuinely believe that God will help us get by with a lot less money than we'd planned on having? Erm...
Update 00:40: just got an email from PayPal to say that the investigation has completed and the funds will be returned to my account within five working days.
Some things come back to haunt you

The recent rain and wind have removed several layers of advertising from this billboard and revealed a Tory election poster. Unfortunately for David "I'm sorry that wasn't in the manifesto" Cameron, the promises he made are still out there. Let's hope he sticks to them better than these posters did.